A platform

To simplify sectional-title management

For trustees, managing agents, building managers, section owners, building staff, and contractors in South Africa

① Workflow

Clear process management

Onboard new trustees and owners with easy to understand processes. We provide customisable organograms to formalise your scheme's roles and responsibilities.

② Storage

Controlled document access

Access, organise, and retain important documents such as management rules, AGM data-packs, and accounting ledgers. We provide a secure library with tiered access.

③ Tickets

With tracking reminders

Manage sections and the common property with automated tickets. We provide tasking tools with status/reminders to automate micro-management.

④ Metrics

Logging performance

Understand the dynamics of your sectional-title with reports. We provide a reporting mechanism to identify bottle necks such as missing information or overloaded portfolio managers.

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