
And conditions

When using this platform

Please note the following:

  1. Terminology

    For the purpose of these terms and conditions (i) The Trustee Zone website hosted at www.trustee.zone is referred to as a platform (ii) Visitors are those individuals who access the platform's public pages without registering (iii) Users are those individuals who registered with the platform.

Usage is based on the following:

  1. Understanding

    By using The Trustee Zone platform, you certify that you have (i) read (ii) reviewed (iii) understood, and (iv) agreed to comply with its terms and conditions. If you have not read, or do not want to be bound by, any of the terms and conditions, you are advised to stop using the website accordingly. The Trustee Zone only permits access of this website and its services to those who have accepted its terms.

  2. Cookies

    The platform makes use of (i) first-party cookies to assist with account security and form validation. All of these cookies are deleted when your session has ended. It (ii) does not make use of third-party cookies to collect and sell your data on behalf of, and to, other organisations.

  3. Consent

    For users who have registered to access the Trustee Zone platform (i) Your contributions may be published on the Trustee Zone platform.

Accuracy of information:

  1. Draft status

    Whist the platform is (i) under development it is categorised as Alpha or Beta state. During this period, (ii) information may be incorrect, and functionality may not be working (iii) Any account that is registered, and any information that is submitted to platform, may be deleted as and when the platform is updated.

  2. Information submitted

    The accuracy of information submitted to the platform (i) is the responsibility of the user who submitted this information, be it (ii) in a form field, selection, or file upload. If a user falsely claims to be a trustee, owner, agent, manager, or staff-member of a section or scheme (ii) the Trustee Zone reserves the right to suspend their profile and forward their details and information supplied to local authorities.

Communication and conduct:

  1. Language

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia reiciendis cupiditate assumenda laborum modi! Explicabo tenetur, hic incidunt, nesciunt deserunt eum laudantium fuga, magni dolor veniam obcaecati voluptate voluptatem nulla!.

  2. Abuse

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia reiciendis cupiditate assumenda laborum modi! Explicabo tenetur, hic incidunt, nesciunt deserunt eum laudantium fuga, magni dolor veniam obcaecati voluptate voluptatem nulla!.

Scheme processes:

  1. Creation

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia reiciendis cupiditate assumenda laborum modi! Explicabo tenetur, hic incidunt, nesciunt deserunt eum laudantium fuga, magni dolor veniam obcaecati voluptate voluptatem nulla!.

  2. Approvals

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia reiciendis cupiditate assumenda laborum modi! Explicabo tenetur, hic incidunt, nesciunt deserunt eum laudantium fuga, magni dolor veniam obcaecati voluptate voluptatem nulla!.

Account deletion:

  1. Your data

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia reiciendis cupiditate assumenda laborum modi! Explicabo tenetur, hic incidunt, nesciunt deserunt eum laudantium fuga, magni dolor veniam obcaecati voluptate voluptatem nulla!.

  2. Rejoining

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia reiciendis cupiditate assumenda laborum modi! Explicabo tenetur, hic incidunt, nesciunt deserunt eum laudantium fuga, magni dolor veniam obcaecati voluptate voluptatem nulla!.